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Research Grants

Application (grant round 2025)

Applications for IAPT's Research Grants should be made using the form below. Please ensure you have reviewed the Grant Conditions before beginning your application.


All fields are required unless otherwise specified. Note that you will not be able to save this form before submitting it, and once submitted you will not be able to edit it. Consider writing the application text in a Word or other document, then cutting and pasting to this form to submit.

The closing date for applications is 30 January 2025. Applications received after this date will not be accepted without prior authorization.


Your name


Your email address


Highest academic degree completed


Year this degree obtained


Your institution


Your employment status


Your postal address




Your project title (200 characters max.)

Summary of your project in 50 words (600 characters max.)


Project study organism/s (please tick as many as apply)

Please complete this budget template (Excel format) with details of the estimated costs of your proposal. Convert the completed budget to a PDF file and upload at the prompt below.

Budget total


The figure provided here must be to the nearest whole dollar and must match the total in the budget document attached below.


Please provide citations for up to four of your publications that are relevant to this application.


Publication 1


Publication 2


Publication 3


Publication 4


Please upload the five required attachments as PDF files here. Please include your surname/family name as the first part of all file names (e.g. "Engler-CV2022.pdf"), as this will help us match them to your application.

Upload your CV (3 pages max.)
Upload your project outline (3 pages max.)
Upload your budget from provided template

How did you first hear about the Research Grants?

Important: Review these points before clicking Submit


1. Carefully double-check your application before submitting it. You will not be able to edit it after you hit the Submit button.


2. Click the Submit button once, then wait while the documents are uploaded (the upload buttons will sequentially change from grey to white).

3. Do not navigate off the page in your browser until you see a success message.

4. If you see a message below indicating that the form cannot be submitted, please review all fields. Usually this will be because a required field has not been filled or has incorrect content. Problem fields will be highlighted in red. Fix the problem, then click Submit again.

We will send you an email confirming receipt of your application once it has been checked for completeness.

The form cannot be submitted yet. Please check all fields and try again.

Have you applied for a IAPT Research Grant before?
Was your application successful?

You must be a current member of the International Association for Plant Taxonomy and if this proposal is selected for funding, information about your grant may be announced on the IAPT website and social media.

Are you a member of another regional, national or local botanical/algal/fungal/paleobotanical society?

Email address and/or website of the society

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