International Association
for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT)
Supporting global taxonomy and systematics of algae, fungi, and plants
Who we are
IAPT is a global association of professional, student and early-career plant, algal and fungal taxonomists and systematists.
IAPT supports and connects its members, promotes systematics and taxonomy, facilitates the governance and maintenance of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi and plants, and publishes Taxon, a leading journal in the field, and the Regnum Vegetabile book series.
Members of IAPT join an international, collaborative community of nearly 1,000 colleagues, and gain access to a wide range of services including specialist workshops and symposia, links to key online resources, taxonomic and systematic news, views and reviews, and an online directory of employment opportunities in the field.

What we do

IAPT publishes Taxon, the Regnum Vegetabile book series, and the Code

IAPT provides research and travel grants to students and early-career researchers

IAPT organises symposia at international meetings, around the world and online

Membership of IAPT is open to everyone. If you are not already a member, consider joining us.
IAPT Publications
TAXON is the leading international journal devoted to systematics, phylogeny and taxonomy of algae, fungi, and plants. It also accepts papers on methodology, botanical history, biography, bibliography and related subjects, and accepts opinion pieces, commentaries and new perspectives. TAXON is the only place to publish proposals to amend the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi and plants or nomenclatural proposals.
Regnum Vegetabile is a book series devoted to systematic and evolutionary biology with emphasis on plants, algae and fungi. Works published in Regnum Vegetabile are of a broad scope and general importance for taxonomists, systematists and other biologists.
The International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi and plants is the internationally agreed set of rules and recommendations governing botanical, phycological and mycological nomenclature. The IAPT is the publisher and custodian of the Code.

The IAPT funds competitive grants in plant systematics, with emphasis on supporting research by students and young investigators in developing countries, but is open to applicants world-wide.
Approximately 20 grants are awarded per year, for up to US$2,000. Opening of the grants program is announced annually through the IAPT website.
IAPT Grants
IAPT participates in, and organises symposia at, a wide range of international meetings relevant to its scope and mission.
As one of the most active members of the International Association of Botanical and Mycological Societies (IABMS), IAPT plays an essential role in the organization of International Botanical Congresses, held every six years. The Botanical Congresses, along with the International Mycological Congress held every four years, are the largest and most significant international meetings for their respective communities. The IAPT facilitates and supports a Nomenclature Section meeting at each Congress, where amendments to the International Code of Nomenclature are considered and voted on.
In addition, IAPT has embarked on a series of Virtual Symposia, aiming to provide opportunities for taxonomists and systematists throughout the world to discuss and debate current research.

As a member of IAPT you will become part of an international community of like-minded colleagues, support the work of IAPT in facilitating and promoting plant, algal and fungal systematics and taxonomy throughout the world, and gain access to IAPT services through the Members portal of this website, including information about jobs and research opportunities, current news and views, meeting announcements, and access to IAPT Virtual Symposia.