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Nomenclatural Indices & Repositories

Use the links below to access indices of names of organisms and repositories for registration of names and nomenclatural acts.

A collaborative project between IAPT and the Smithsonian Institution, this is a compilation of published generic names for all organisms (including fossils) covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants.

A collaborative project between IAPT and the Norton-Brown Herbarium of the University of Maryland, comprising indices of vascular plant names above the rank of genus.

Names of vascular plants. Combining Index Kewensis, the Gray Card Index, the Australian Plant Names Index and Index Filicum.

Names of vascular plants and bryophytes (plus specimens, images, references and more).

Names of hepatics and hornworts.

Recognized repository for names of fungi (including lichens).

Recognized repository for names of fungi (including lichens).

Recognized repository for names of fungi (including lichens).

PhycoBank is the registration system for nomenclatural acts (new names, new combinations and types) of algae.

Names of algae. A card file and online reporting system.

AlgaeBase is a global algal database of taxonomic, nomenclatural and distributional information.

Another global algal database including nomenclatural information.

An inter-kingdom database allowing simultaneous searches of other data sources covering algae, fungi, plants, animals, prokaryotes, and viruses.

The index for plant fossils, a serial publication running from Pars 1 in 1913 to the most recent Pars 114 in 2016. It remains at present in printed form only, except for Pars I (1913) to Pars X (1922), which are available through the Biodiversity Heritage Library.

A database of fossil plant names, types, works, and authors, offering voluntary registration of names and types (fossil fungi and diatoms are excluded).

Voluntary registration of names and types for all fossil-taxa covered by the Code, publications containing them, and authors of such publications.

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