IBC Travel Support Conditions
This year, the IAPT will provide grants to support student and postdoc attendance to the International Botanical Congress, to be held in Madrid between 21-27 July 2024. Applicants worldwide are eligible for support, although priority will be given to students and postdocs based in low- or middle-income countries. Candidates who obtained their Ph.D. degree more than 3 years ago will not be considered. Applications will be assessed based on the quality of the abstract submitted (30%), scientific merit as inferred from the CV (30%), justification (20%), and geography (20%). See "Evaluation of Proposals" below for more information on the assessment criteria.
Proposals must follow the guidelines below:
The call for proposals is open between 1 February 2024 and 30 March 2024.
Applicants must be IAPT members at the time of the grant submission to be eligible for the IAPT grant.
Awards must be used to cover registration, travel, and/or lodging expenses.
Proposals must include (i) name of the applicant, (ii) country, (iii) institution, (iv) copy of the abstract submitted to the International Botanical Congress, and (v) CV.
The CV should not exceed two pages (single-spaced, 12-type font).
All documents must be submitted in a Portable Document Format (PDF).
The project should be submitted via the IAPT website using the online form. If this is not possible, applications may be submitted via email to Eva Kráľovičová, IAPT Managing Secretary (office@iapt-taxon.org). Any applications via email must follow the same character and file size limits imposed on the online applications.
All proposals received will be acknowledged by e-mail. Please contact Eva Kráľovičová, Managing Secretary IAPT (office@iapt-taxon.org), if you submit a proposal but do not receive a confirmation within 48 hours.
The maximum individual award will be up to US$1,000.
The selected projects will be announced on the IAPT web page and through an e-mail to all the applicants.
Award recipients must submit a brief financial report summarizing expenses.
Applications opened: 1 February 2024
Applications closed: 30 March 2024
Results published: 1 May 2024
Proposal evaluation
Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
I. Abstract (total 30 points)
The scientific impact of the research to be presented.
II. Scientific merit (total 30 points)
Determined based on the CV, with emphasis on published work.
III. Justification (total 20 points)
The motivation to attend the meeting and justification of why funds are needed to cover costs, including information on other funds available or funding requested from other sources.
IV. Geography (total 20 points)
Applicants based in low- and middle-income countries will have priority.