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Proposals to amend The International Code of Nomenclature
for algae, fungi, and plants

The Nomenclature Section of the XX International Botanical Congress took place from Monday 15 July to Friday 19 July 2024. Each day had a morning session, from 08:30–13:00, and an afternoon session, from 14:30–19:00. Each session had a 30-minute break (10:30–11:00 and 16:30–17:00). The Friday afternoon session was shorter, from 14:00–14:50, without a break. All times are Central European Summer Time (UTC+02:00).

These sessions were broadcast live online, to allow observation of the proceedings (although physical presence was required for interactive commenting and voting). Online observers had to register in advance to access the livestream. This registration was independent of registration for the International Botanical Congress.

Registration for and access to the livestream was here:


There was no fee for this service.

Over the five days of the Nomenclature Section, a total of 219 unique users accessed the livestream at least once. The shortest total access time by any unique user was 2 minutes, the longest was 2564 minutes (42 hours and 44 minutes, i.e. comprising the whole duration of the Section), and the average was 313 minutes (5 hours and 13 minutes).


See also Livestreaming the Nomenclature Section at the XX International Botanical Congress in Madrid, 15–19 July 2024, which has been published in Taxon and can be freely accessed and downloaded.

NS 2024 Livestream.png

Proposals to amend Chapter F of the Code


Chapter F of the Code contains provisions specific to the names of organisms treated as fungi. 


Chapter F of the Code is amended through proposals published for consideration by the Fungal Nomenclature Session of an International Mycological Congress.


Further information on fungal nomenclature is provided on the website of the International Mycological Association (IMA).


The Nomenclature Session of the XII International Mycological Congress took place on Thursday 15 August 2024 in Maastricht, Netherlands. There were three sessions: 10:30–12:30, 12:45–13:45 (specifically to consider proposals to allow DNA sequences or genomes as types for fungi), and 14:40–16:30.


Proposals to amend Chapter F and a Synopsis of those proposals are published in IMA Fungus, and were made available here in advance of publication.


May TW, Hawksworth DL (2024) Proposals for consideration at IMC12 to modify provisions related solely to fungi in Chapter F of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants. IMA Fungus in press.


May TW, Bensch K (2024) Synopsis of proposals on fungal nomenclature: a review of the proposals concerning Chapter F of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants submitted to the XII International Mycological Congress, 2024. IMA Fungus in press.


The Guiding Vote on proposals to amend Chapter F took place before the Congress and closed on 2 August 2024.


Any further formal proposals were made available via the IMA website.

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