New: IAPT Small Collections Grants

IAPT is pleased to announce a new Grant Program focused on the improvement of collections held by small herbaria worldwide.
Starting in October 2019, IAPT will provide competitive grants for the improvement and/or maintenance of botanical collections (herbaria) of algae, fungi, and or plants.
Collection improvements include projects involving digitization, processing a specimen backlog, shipping an endangered collection to another herbarium, or other similar tasks. In unique cases we will also consider requests for materials associated with mounting herbarium specimens.
Applications are particularly welcome from herbaria in developing countries, but the grants are open to small herbaria worldwide. In general a small herbarium is recognized as one with fewer than 100,000 specimens, however this is a recommendation, and the committee evaluating the proposals may wish to consider exceptions. Herbaria must be listed in Index Herbariorum (a free online listing of herbaria).
For further details visit the IAPT website:
PROPOSAL DEADLINE: 31 December 2019