IAPT Research Grants Program for 2020

The IAPT announces the 2020 round of our competitive grants program in plant systematics, with emphasis on funding students and young investigators in developing countries, but open to applicants world-wide. For guidance, candidates who obtained their Ph.D. degree more than 3 years ago will not be considered. Applications will be assessed on the basis of submitted research projects demonstrating scientific merit (60%), IAPT community building (20%) and broader impacts (20%).
The revised proposal deadline is 29 February 2020.
Please see the Grant Conditions (https://www.iaptglobal.org/grant-conditions) for details on proposal preparation.
Proposals are to be submitted using the online application:
If you encounter difficulties please contact:
Dipl. - Ing. Eva Kráľovičová
Managing Secretary IAPT
Applicants will be informed by e-mail of receipt of their proposals.
The maximum individual award is US$2,000.
The awarded projects will be announced on the IAPT web page and by e-mail to all applicants by 1 May 2020.
Award recipients are required to submit a final report on the results of the grant-funded activities. The report should include photographs and details that can be used to write a social media post on the grant.
Deadline 29 February, 2020