About that cover…
The new edition of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code) has now been published. One look and you will see that the 1950s style cover is gone! The cover on the Shenzhen Code is a vibrant shade of blue and is enhanced by a stunning illustration by Pollyanna von Knorring at the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm. Pollyanna is a scientific illustrator and artist in the Department of Palaeobiology.
The design is based on the ginkgo theme that was featured at the XIX International Botanical Congress and includes representatives of the three groups mentioned in the title of the Code, as well as fossils. Plants are represented by leaves of Ginkgo biloba L.; algae by thalli of the Antarctic marine red alga Nereoginkgo adiantifolia Kylin; fungi by the dark spots on the ginkgo leaves and the teliospores and basidia of the basidiomycete Bartheletia paradoxa G. Arnaud ex Scheuer & al., which grows on the fallen leaves of G. biloba; and fossils by the reconstruction of Ginkgo yimaensis Zhi-Yan Zhou & Bo-Le Zhang from the Jurassic of China.
The Shenzhen Code is published by IAPT and may be ordered from Koeltz Botanical Books (http://www.koeltz.com/, EUR 58, approx.. USD 67). Note that IAPT members receive a 20% discount on the price of the book. If you are not a member of IAPT but wish to join or renew your membership please visit our web site (If you are not a member of IAPT but wish to join or renew your membership please visit our web site (https://www.iaptglobal.org/join).