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IAPT election of officers and Council members

Dear IAPT members,

Please note that IAPT begins our election of officers and council members next week. You will receive an email message from the IAPT office with instructions and details on the candidates. You will also receive a message from Elections Online inviting you to vote. All individual members of IAPT in good standing have the right to vote in the election. Please vote! The deadline for voting is 2 December, 2022. (but why not do it right away before you forget and the message is lost in your email!)

Also, we will ask you to vote on revisions to the IAPT Constitution. Details on the changes will be provided. The changes are minor, but revisions to the constitution require a vote of the membership.

If you do not receive one or both of the email messages please contact Eva in the IAPT office ( She will be able to confirm whether your dues have been paid for 2022, or if the message was sent to a bad email address, or maybe blocked in a spam filter.

With best wishes,

Patrick Herendeen

IAPT President



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